Visitor Visa
You might come to Australia for reasons such as holidays, sightseeing, social or recreational reasons, to visit relatives, friends.
Skilled Visa
General Skilled Migration (GSM) or Skilled Visas is for people who want to live and work in Australia on a temporary or permanent basis.
Sponsored Visa
Employer Sponsored Visas are for employers who cannot fill a position with an Australian worker or by training Australian workers.
Student Visa
There is one student visa class (TU) with eight visa subclasses. Seven of the visa subclasses relate to specific educational sectors and one relates to student guardians.
Partner Visa
A partner visa is for people who are married, engaged, or in a de facto relationship with an Australian citizen or eligible New Zealand citizen and want to live in Australia.
AAT & Federal Court
We have a team of professional lawyers and solicitors. If you have major issues, please contact us and we will be able to solve your complex migration problems.
Temporary Skill Shortage Visa
Subclass 482
Training Visa
Subclass 407
Skilled Independent Visa
Subclass 189
Skilled Nominated Visa
Subclass 190
Skilled Work Regional Visa
Subclass 491
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